DISSONANCE premiered at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival in February 2015. The shortfilm is a trip between fantasy and reality, between animation and live action drama. It tells the story of a psychotic street musician who has to leave his mental world to deal with the real one. Here is the trailer:
- 2016 Best Director, Kingbonn Award of 7th CSFF China Intern. New Media Short Film Festival, Shenzen
- 2016 Best shortfilm 27th Trieste Film Festival, Italy
- 2016 Best shortfilm Skepto International Film Festival, Caglari, Italy
- 2016 Best use of digital technology in a short film", FLICKERFEST, Sydney, Australia
- 2016 International Audience Award 7th Roanne Animation Festival, France,
- 2015 Grand Prix (Academy Award qualifying) Anima Mundi, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- 2015 Best International Shortfilm 2015, Whistler Film Festival, Canada
- 2015 Best animated shortfilm (Audience Award), XXV. Fantastic Film Festival, Málaga
- 2015 Don Quixote Award, 55. Krakow Film Festival, Poland
- 2015 Best animated shortfilm, Malibu International Film Festival, USA
- 2015 Best art direction, Almeré en Corto Shortfilm Festival, Spain
- 2015 Grand Prix Anilogue - XIII. Int. Animation Festival, Budapest, Hungary
- 2015 Best of International Animation, Trickfilmwochenende Wiesbaden
- 2015 Best animated film, Soria Short Film Festival, Spain
- 2015 Best Animation, Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, USA
- 2015 Best animated shortfilm, Vortex Film Festival, Rhodes Island, USA
- 2015 Best Visual Effects, Hollyshorts Film Festival, USA
- 2015 Programmer's Choice Award, Cleveland International Film Festival, USA
- 2015 Canal+ Award, Festival International de Cinede Valencia, Spain
- 2015 Best Animation (Academy Award qualifying) Aspen Shortsfest, USA
Written, directed and produced by Till Nowak
Cast: Nina Petri, Roland Schupp, Hannah Heine,
Klaus Zehrfeld, Leslie Barany, Mirko Thiele.
Cinematography: Ivan Robles Mendoza.
Music: Olaf Taranczewski & Frank Zerban.
Editing: Till Nowak & Philipp Hahn.
Design, Animation and Vfx: Till Nowak.
Character Models, Rigs, Animation: Malte Lauinger.
Sound Design and Mix: Andreas Radzuweit.
Line Producer: Svenbo. Production: Kian Mondial, Felix Schuch Associate Producer: Detailfilm.
More Credits: imdb.com/title/tt4242936