In 2018 Till designed and animated stage projections for Sergej Prokofjew's "L’amour des trois oranges", directed by Axel Ranisch, played at the Stuttgarter Staatsoper. The visual concept by designer Saskia Wunsch and director Axel Ranisch staged the entire opera as a computer game, based on 1980's 8-Bit look in a three dimensional voxel world.
Musikalische Leitung Christopher Schmitz
Regie Axel Ranisch
Bühne Saskia Wunsch
Kostüme Bettina Werner, Claudia Irro
Licht Reinhard Traub
Computeranimation Till Nowak
Choreografie Katharina Erlenmaier
Dramaturgie Ingo Gerlach
Chor Manuel Pujol
Der Kreuz-König/Der Herold David Steffens
Prinz Kai Kluge
Prinzessin Clarice Stine Marie Fischer
Leander Shigeo Ishino
Truffaldino Daniel Kluge
Pantalone Johannes Kammler
Der Zauberer Celio Michael Ebbecke
Fata Morgana Carole Wilson
Linetta Alexandra Urquiola
Nicoletta / Smeraldina Fiorella Hincapié
Ninetta Esther Dierkes
Die Köchin / Farfarello Matthew Anchel
Zeremonienmeister Christopher Sokolowski
Staatsopernchor Stuttgart, Staatsorchester Stuttgart